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- 233K active players
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Imperia Online is a web-based massively multiplayer strategy online game. It doesnt need any installation - it can be played from any computer as long as it has internet. The world of Imperia Online is in an age before gunpowder. For your victories on the battlefield you can count only on hard cold steel. Imperia Online never sleeps. Whether you are online or not, your empire collects resources and grows. Everything that you do is in real time - no turns or ticks.
Everything in the game revolves around interesting decisions and choices. Whether you will dominate thru brutal force and wars, or you will develop a powerful economy depends solely on you. Make alliances and break them, make wars and peace, make friends and enemies. It is all here, all against real people by the thousands from all over the world!
Make Imperia Online your virtual world! Your loyal subjects await you!
- No need for installation, just start the browser and play
- Real time game play no ticks, no turns
- Compete against thousands of players from all over the world
- Cooperate with thousands of players from all over the world
- Incredibly realistic medieval battle simulator
- Beautiful unit, building and technology drawings
- Deep and thoughtful game design, which continues to be interesting and trilling even after many months of playing the game