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Come enter a world where titanic adventures meet pint-sized heroes.
Maple Story is the world's first 2D side- scrolling MMORPG (massively multiplayer inline roll-playing game) with millions of players around the globe. Adventures begin their training on Maple Island and journey on a ship to Victoria Island where they choose one of four paths.
Players can rush into battle as a dauntless Warrior, wield in the mystical powers of Magican, take aim as a rentless Bowman, or creep in the shadows as a stealthy Thief.
With immersive backgrounds and charming characters, the developers at Wizet have proven the the 2D world is not flat at all. Battle monsters, complete challenging quests, and make new friends in the ever-growing community of Maple Story. Best of all, everyone is able to play Maple Story because it's Free-To-Play! So, come join Maple Story today!
After all, it's you story...