- 11 check-ins
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Game Facts
- The release date is scheduled for Summer 2011
- The game uses Unity3D (browser plugin), no additional download is necessary
- Developed by keen games in Frankfurt
- To ensure that a full Star Trek feeling is achieved, Star Trek experts Mike and Denise Okuda are assisting us
- Lee Sheldon, the experienced game designer, author, producer and script writer will be writing the storyline and game missions
- Choose between two playable factions: Join the Federation or become a Klingon
- The game is set in the Deep Space Nine timeline
- The game will be a free-to-play casual browser game, meaning that there will be no subscription fee and that the game will be playable without payment
- Alpha testing will begin in late 2010
Take a first look at what two of the most well-known starships will look like in the game here. (these graphics will be used in the final version!)
Star Trek - Infinite Space versetzt euch in die Zeit der Star Trek-Fernsehserie Deep Space Nine. Ihr kommandiert Raumschiffe und schlagt taktische Schlachten in 3D.
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