Master of medieval Times

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In every persons life there is a moment.
A moment where they must decide.
Is today the day where I begin my journey?
Or do I let another day pass me by?
The former seize their day and never look back.
The latter... sleep eternally never to stand strong.
Today you are given a choice to change your fate.
To let the bards sing your song.
Will you rise above your opponents, or be left behind?
Another fallen victim of the Master of Medieval Times...
Quotes from our Players:
"Form Alliances, break truces, and smash the little ones is what MOMT is all about, baby."
by AxeSeverous
"I have been playing this game for over a year now and its just as much fun as it was when I started."
by inde
"What really makes MoMT so great is the people and the environment. I dont just play the game I make friends... and enemies! I have actually become pretty good friends with several people because of MoMT. The game is addictive as well as the atmosphere!"
by Riddick

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