The Crusades
1 check-ins
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"The Crusades" is a persistent browser-based game (PBBG) for up to 9999 players per server. The game always runs in realtime, whether you are logged in or not. Every player starts with a small castle, wich should be upgraded and defended constantly. Lone warriors won't have a chance to survive, because especially in the beginning there is a permant war for resources. The union with other players to form alliances and the diplomatic negotiations with others are among with martial aspects the key to success.
Only if you have strong allies you may have a chance to reach the final goal : The other continent.
Features :
- for free
- 15 different types of troops
- +1 hero you can train
- map with water, islands and continents
- trade resources with others over the marketplace
- communication via ingame mail or one forum every ally gets ingame
- powerful servers, daily backups